Thursday, March 18, 2010
i get to see this beautiful view very very soon... tomorrow in fact! we, as in the married couple we versus the family we, are going to my favorite place this weekend for a getaway. this getaway is both celebrating our 8th anniversary and the fact that we can go out of town before we have a new little one that will make it impossible to getaway for a while again. plus, i have discovered that i am indeed very much a quality time person, so the thought of a whole weekend with my husband, with no interruptions, makes my heart leap and spin with joy.
our getaway is to santa cruz. santa cruz will always hold a very special place in my heart. while i was growing up, my grandparents lived in santa cruz, only a couple blocks from the beach and the boardwalk full of rides and lights and caramel apples. i have some of my very best childhood vacation memories in this little beach town. when i was a teenager i would go jogging along the cliff overlooking the surfers and past the surfer's museum and light house. i would take long walks there with my sister and i would tell her that someday me and my special someone would walk on the very same walking path and look out on the beautiful pacific ocean.
on labor day weekend of 2001, my now husband, then boyfriend, completely surprised me and asked me to marry him on a bench in front of the lighthouse and looking out over the very scene that i loved so dearly. eight years later, we have made santa cruz our family summer camping trip destination and started those family memories with our own kids in the very same little beach town that i have mine in. every year we go back to visit the bench that he proposed to me at... sentimental, i know. i am looking forward to sitting on that bench with my beloved husband and friend and watching the surfers and the waves and let all the good memories come flooding back and make some new ones.
oh, happy getaway to me.