Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a new song

sing to Him a new song; play skillfully with a shout of joy.  psalm 33:3

one of the ways i am blessed to connect with the Lord is through worship.  i love to worship Him.  playing the piano is one of the ways i worship the Lord.  sometimes i can just get lost in the moment and let my fingers sing their own song to Him.  it is such an amazing blessing to be able to offer Him something that comes from deep within me - music and the song of my heart. 

every monday night for the past month, and for the upcoming month and beyond, i get the privilege of playing at our house of prayer called the watch of the Lord the devotional set from 6-8pm.  the devotional set is a time people can come and spend their own one on one time with the Lord, worshiping, soaking, reading the Word, or praying through their own personal prayer lists and burdens.  i get the opportunity to create an environment where they can connect with the Lord individually.  it is such an awesome opportunity that i cherish.  even at times when i have had a long day and don't feel like going to play and sing for two hours, i inevitably end up connecting with the Lord and finding that place in worship when serving Him and pouring out my love just makes sense.  it is as if my burdens melt away because my focus become rightly aligned to what matters most:  Him.

it is exciting that the Lord has been downloading songs to me during these times.  i don't have a bunch of completed songs from these mondays, but i will get little choruses, melodies, phrases, and they just flow.  i am trying to steward them by writing them down so that i can develop them sometime if it works, or even just use them again as little pieces of my time with the Lord.  so many times when one of these songwriting moments hits me, i will be in near tears because of the way the Lord's love moves on my heart.  those are the moments i live for.  not every moment of life, or even the the house of prayer, is like that, but when it is... oh how sweet!  it reminds me of the verse that david penned:

o taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!  psalms 34:8

i encourage you, whether you are a musician or the furthest from it, take some time to pour your heart out before the Lord, sing your hearts song to Him, and find Him in that one on one connection.  you will be refreshed and so glad you took the time to get a fresh taste of Him.



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