this is where i would love to be right now - somewhere with an ocean view off on a little getaway trip with my babe. did you know that we are almost to our 10 year anniversary?!
the plan was to do something big to celebrate, at least consisting in a night or two away to fall in love all over again. instead, God's plans for us would be that i would be in my last month of being pregnant with our 5th child and celebrating this milestone at home. God has His own ideas, doesn't He?
even if we aren't going to do what i had hoped for our big 10 year, i choose to be thankful right where God has me. sometimes that is easier said than done (i know you are with me on this!). sometimes we all get into that funk where we only have eyes to see what we don't have and what we aren't doing and all the gifts God has given us that make up our life just don't seem like enough. self pity sets in and then we really are in a mess of our own making.
i don't want to mess with any of that nonsense.
God has given me so much. for one, i have a husband that i am more in love with now than this time 10 years ago when we were less than 2 weeks out from our wedding bursting with anticipation of marital bliss. i have 5 wonderful kids that the Lord has blessed me with (one who i have yet to meet in less than 2 months!) in His abundance. i have a constant awareness of the Holy Spirit's activity in my life and really do feel His response to my many times a day cry for help!
and even in the midst of trials and hardship in various forms, i have far more joy than i could have ever imagined 10 years ago.
He is so good to me.
little ocean getaway... i will be looking forward to you someday. it may be a while, but the waiting now will make the time with my sweetheart all by ourselves then that much more sweet!
still counting gifts to 1000...
510 - 525:
510. a productive afternoon.
511. putting clothes the boys grow out of aside to store for hand-me-downs.
512. an out of town overnight guest.
513. opportunities to grow in patience.
514. uriah singing at the big fundraiser night for his school billed right up there with kim walker smith and william matthews.
515. cooking with leeks.
516. being able to bring comfort to sick kiddos.
517. He is always faithful to give me grace to follow Him when i ask.
518. beautiful bridal shower for a beautiful friend.
519. listening to asher practicing piano.
520. sunlight and a walk around the neighborhood.
521. a bunch of greens to juice this week.
522. time to think and ask Him to speak to me.
523. chirping birds and blooming flowers - signs of an early spring.
524. typing one-handed because of a sick baby on my chest.
525. the cross of Jesus.

i am linked up at a holy experience.
if you have a blog, let me know if you have a list of your grace gifts so i can visit! if you don't, write something you are thankful for in the comment section. i love hearing from you!