word for the day: dance
sometimes it is all i can do to keep from breaking out in full blown dance before the Lord. it is often at the most awkward times that my limbs ache to express the building pressure in my heart, bursting forth like a volcanic eruption.
i will become even more undignified than this... 2 samuel 6:22
i used to feel silly cranking up the worship music and dancing before the Lord. i would lock all the doors in my little apartment in college and tighten the blinds. i would feel the tension in my shoulders that a roommate may come home and walk in on my intimate moment with the Lord.
but somehow i couldn't help it. the overwhelming overflowing love for Jesus just wanting to burst forth with my whole being.
this was a season during that college time, a dark night of my soul, when as a vocal major i had to go on voice rest because of nodules. i did not know worship without singing. i felt a hurting disconnect from the Lord.
yet i heard His small voice urging my heart to dance before Him.
worship Him with dance.
and so like david, even when it causes others to stare and giggle at my foolishness, i long to dance with utter abandon before Him and give Him the overflowing worship that is due His name.
even sitting in a quiet prayer room, i long to jump out of my seat and worship with extravagant praise. the tingling in my feet to move to the rhythm of the music.
want to join in? it is easy. i look forward to joining in whenever i can on a friday.

5 minute friday rules:
1. write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2.link back here and invite others to join in.
3. please visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them.
we have been away of a trip. - oh what a trip! we have been crazy busy but enjoying every blessed moment of being out here. - i miss my blog community! i would love to hear from you in the comments!