what i do have time to do, and need to do, is record the things i am thankful for. i have so so much to be thankful for and i don't want to ever forget that. even though i made a commitment to record the gifts of God to at least 1000, in reality i want this to simply be the overflow of my heart. i want a thankful heart that acknowledges God's constant activity in my life. i hate that i slip into ungratefulness and complaining
way. too. often.
so join me in counting gifts. i will share mine with you. please share yours with me. if you record them on your blog feel free to leave a link in the comments below. if you don't blog, then please leave something you are thankful for right now in the comment section. you have no idea how uplifting it is to me to hear what you are thankful for and how it opens my eyes to even more i have to be thankful for in my own life as well. thankfulness is contagious.
still counting gifts to 1000...
683 - 703:
683. our trip to kc and sitting in the prayer room at ihop.
684. time to read bible books straight through.
685. the Lord's incredible provision over and over again.
686. grace to be slow to speak, quick to listen, slow to anger one moment at a time.
687. whenever we lack in wisdom we can ask of the Father and He freely gives to all who ask.
688. 5 good little travelers.
689. He will be faithful to complete the good work He started in us until the day of the Lord.
690. grace to forgive because i have been forgiven.
691. safe plane flights and car rides.
692. old family friends that always feel like home and time with them never feels long enough.
693. the sweetness of baby smiles for the mama.
694. 3-6 month baby sized pin striped pants.
695. foot rubs for tired feet.
696. coffee when i haven't had much sleep.
697. learning how to jam and can that jam.
698. re-purposing to make cute gifts.
699. provision to buy fresh fruit at the best time of year for fresh fruit.
700. coupons!!
701. all 18 lbs of chubby goodness.
702. new shoes from the hubby.
703. the full full summer that seems to be flying by too fast.
i am linked up at a holy experience.

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